Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Way I See It

1.  God put us each here for a purpose.  We all have a tangled ball of yarn inside of us that we are meant to unravel in this life.  Some of us get anger or sadness or greed or loneliness--the mix is unique, and we alone can unknot the burdens we carry to set ourselves free.

2.  Every day, every moment, we can choose to heal or harm.  We heal ourselves when we make choices to lead us to grow.  We heal others by showing kindness and shining a light into darkness.  We harm ourselves by making decisions that further knot ourselves into fear and suffering, by wasting opportunities, and by languishing beneath our potential.  We harm others in the obvious ways (cruelty and violence) but also through inaction when we could use the gifts God has given us to lessen the suffering of others.

3.  We are here to experience and to translate experience into growth.  Whether an experience will help us grow or set us back is something only we can know, but a good test is whether it is true to the best that you know.

4.  Happiness is a wonderful gift and should always be cherished, but God did not put us here solely to seek out our own happiness.  We each have a higher purpose--a mountain to climb--and our life's purpose will require work to attain.

5.  None of us are given challenges we cannot meet.  Pain is a sign that we are looking in the wrong places, refusing to learn lessons and returning again and again to behaviors that cause us to suffer, or ignoring God's path for us.

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