We all have to guard against the belief that we can never be more than we are today. For example, it's easy to think that if you have never found love, you won't ever find love; if you haven't been successful at building the career of your dreams, you can't ever have the career of your dreams; or if you've been unhappy for as long as you can remember, you will always be unhappy. People learn from their experiences, sure. In a lot of ways it makes sense (think about cavemen learning the hard way to stay away from that saber tooth--the next caveman definitely benefited from believing that going to close would be dangerous!). In real life, going toward the saber tooth is sometimes exactly what we need to do. We have to confront our deepest fears. Usually we learn one of two things: our fear was unfounded (i.e. we open up to someone and realize we can trust them) or our fear was founded, but we survive it, and the survival diminishes our fear (i.e. we open up to someone and get hurt, but the hurt isn't as bad as we thought it would be).
The reason it's so important to confront our saber tooth is because sometimes the unexpected happens. Sometimes miracles even happen. But if you don't put yourself in a position to be blessed, then God can't bless you.
Whenever I want to remember how important it is to believe that I can make the long shot, I love to watch this video. (I dare you not to tear up, at least a little!)
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