Monday, September 23, 2013

Want Better Self-Esteem?

Check out these suggestions!  In short, shut up your inner critic, remind yourself of things that you like about yourself, make choices you can be proud of and be kind to others (then you can like this about yourself if nothing else!), and let go of perfectionism and comparing yourself unfavorably with others.  The perfectionism tip really resonated with me.  I think every time I go on Facebook, I am struck by how much less accomplished and awesome I am than all of my Facebook friends (read: that guy I met once who friended me five years ago whose face I couldn't pull out of a crowd).  I have to remind myself that we are all walking different roads, we all have different challenges we need to face and overcome in this life, and the point of life and God's challenge to us is almost certainly not to be the prettiest, go on the best vacations, marry the most perfect spouse, find the picture perfect career, and then combine all of those into some kind of magazine spread of perfection.  No, we need to figure out who we are meant to be, how our talents can better the world around us, and how we can do the most we can possibly do with what we have been given.

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